Thursday 30 May 2013

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Friday 15 March 2013

How to Earn $100 a Day Writing Online Read more: How to Earn $100 a Day Writing Online

1. Write one 400-word article on a topic that requires preliminary research. Don't choose a topic you know nothing about or that is very technical. Time how long it takes you to complete the article, including research time.

2. Determine how many hours you have available to write. If this is your full-time job, schedule a six-hour work day. You need a lunch hour and breaks. Working in an office is broken up by chatting with co-workers, meetings, restroom breaks as well as lunch and official break time. Very rarely will you work productively for every minute of an eight-hour day.

3. Set up a work space that is devoted solely to your writing. That space should be away from television. Gather your reference materials such as books, magazines and publications so they're convenient for research. You won't waste time looking for them. This increases your productivity and allows you to reach $100 per day.

4. Set up a work schedule. Treat your freelance writing as a job, not something that you do between taking the kids to school, housework or playing games with the guys. Do not cruise the Internet, visit forums, answer emails, reply to text messages or answer the phone during your work schedule.

5. Divide your work schedule hours by how long it takes you to write one article. For example, if it took 45 minutes, you have time to write eight articles a day. You would have to earn a minimum of $12.50 for each 400-word article to earn $100 per day.

6. Adjust your work schedule. If your pay is less than $12.50 per article you have two choices: increase the speed with which you research and write, or work longer each day. When selecting articles, consider how much revision you might be requested to do, how long it takes you to upload the articles, whether you have to include references, photos and any search engine optimization, such as choosing keywords. Don't forget the time it takes to find titles, if you're working for a content provider that gives you titles to choose from. You may find that it's faster to write an article that doesn't include anything but writing even if the pay is less, compared with an article that requires all of that but pays more.

7. Choose titles that you know about. If one of your hobbies is woodworking, choose titles on that topic. If you have a degree in finance, choose debt management, investing or budgeting titles. That doesn't mean write off the top of your head or make up information. It does mean the article writing will go faster. The faster you write, the more potential you have to earn $100 a day.

How to Make $100 A Day Or More With Yahoo Answers Read more: How to Make $100 A Day Or More With Yahoo Answers

1. Register an account with Yahoo Answers. You will need to have a Yahoo account to ask or answer questions. Yahoo Answers rates users by how many legitimate answers they have provided. You can't post live links in your answers until you have reached level 2 in Yahoo Answers.

2. Find questions related to your niche, and provide useful answers. If you have a blog about personal finance and you're promoting finance ebooks on your website, find questions in Yahoo Answers that relate to finance. Provide quality answers without including your live link.

3. Sign up for a Google Adsense account. Google Adsense allows you to place ads related to your niche on your website. You are paid a certain amount of money each time a visitor clicks on an ad.

4. Apply to participate in a CPA program. CPA stands for cost per action. Once you are accepted, you are allowed to place CPA banners on your site. When a visitor clicks on a CPA banner, he is asked to fill in his personal information, such as name and email address. Each time a visitors submits information, you are paid.

5. Sign up for an account with an affiliate product marketplace. Click Bank is an online company that allows individuals to sign up as affiliates to promote digital products. Commission Junction and Amazon allow affiliates to sign up and promote physical products. You earn a commission each time a product is sold that you're promoting.

6. Create an affiliate link on your website. When you sign up with Click Bank, Commission Junction or Amazon, you are given a link to the product you've chosen to promote. You must add the link to your website. When people go to your website, they will have the opportunity to purchase the product you're promoting.

7. Search in Yahoo Answers for questions that are easily answered with the suggestion of useful products. For example, if someone is asking about the best book on investing in stocks, you can provide a useful answer containing a link to your site that promotes books on stock investing. This is done after you reach Level 2 in Yahoo Answers.

How to Make a Million Dollars With $500 Bucks

1. The first step to a million dollars is to open up an online trading account. There are plenty of services online such as Scottrade, E*trade, Sharebuilder or Ameritrade. Each one is equally effective and great for starting your own trading account.

2. After you open an account, deposit money into it. $500 is the minimum you will need to make a million dollars in 5 years. If you cant invest $500, put as much as you can into the account. If you can invest more than $500, Great! This means you will reach a million much much sooner.

3. How will you make a million dollars in 5 years?
Simple, earn 3% on your money every week.
If you continue to do this for the next 5 years, you will earn exactly $1,025,590.
3% a week!!!! are you out of your mind! How am I going to do that?
It's not that hard once you break it down. 3% divided by 5 days is .6% a day.
You need to earn about a half percent a day five days a week.
This I assure you, is not difficult.
4. Buy and sell stocks. Remember, you need to earn .6% everyday on the trades you make.VERY IMPORTANT, Your goal is NOT!!! to find a stock that you think will increase .6% everyday. This will never happen ever.Stocks move up and down all the time throughout the day. Your only goal is to capture only .6% of that move.Example, when the market opens at 9:30am, a stock drops down 1% from $100 to $99 dollars. Immediately you buy it.By the end of the day, the stock closes at $99.50. You sell it.Even though the stock was down overall, (it started at $100 and ended at $99.50), you made .50 cents or .5% because you bought it at $99.The point here is that you only have to capture .6% of a stocks move. When it comes to stocks, the smaller the move the easier it is to make a profit. Doing this will guarantee that you earn a million dollars in 5 years.
5. Reinvest all your earnings! This is the only way you will make your million dollars.The compounding effect of money is unparalleled to anything else. Albert Einstein once said that the most powerful force in the universe is the power of compound interest.Reinvesting all your earnings everyday will guarantee that you make a million dollars in 5 years.

How to Make 100 Dollars Fast

Look around the house and find something that you can sell for one hundred dollars. Then sell it on Craigslist. Many items sell the same day on that site if the price is right.

2. To make 100 dollars fast, within a day, step out with the day laborers. Not only is this a good way to make some quick extra money, but you might find other ways to make a quick 100 dollars, such as using your truck to haul scrap metal on a freelance basis. It's a good way to find out who needs what in your community

3.  Put an ad on Craigslist and offer to clean houses or do moveouts. You'd be surprised how many people look at the housecleaning ads on that site and decide that they want their house cleaned that day, because company is coming, perhaps. In a large city, you can easily make 100 dollars fast, especially when people give you short notice.

4. Have a garage sale. Almost everyone has enough junk around the house to make 100 dollars fast. Your garage sales doesn't have to last all day, either. Try 9-1 on a Saturday. Donate what's left and write it off.

5. As a last resort, go to a pawn shop and hock your big screen television. Do this only if Uncle Vinnie is on his way to your house, right now. Otherwise, wait.

How to Make Fast Cash

1. Hold a yard sale. One person’s trash is another person’s treasure. With only a few days preparation, holding a yard sale can yield a tidy sum in the span of a weekend. Another benefit is that it helps you clean house get rid of things that you don’t use very often. Scour your home and take a good look at all your stuff. Ask yourself how much you would pay for it at a yard sale, and if you’d be willing to part with it if someone offered you that amount. Hang signs not just in your own neighborhood, but near by neighborhoods, and at the stops of major bus lines that go by your neighborhood. Place ads on the internet and local fliers. Tell all your friends and neighbors. The better the turn out, the better your earnings.

2. Be a guinea pig for scientific research. Offering your body to science can be profitable. Universities are often seeking test subjects for studies. You can make anywhere from a few bucks to a couple of hundred by participating in a single study. To find work as a guinea pig, check your newspaper classified ads, campus newspapers and bulletin boards, online ads such as, or call the science department of your local university and ask if they ever look for test subjects. Ask if you can be put on a list of contacts. You may not be able to (or willing to) participate in every study, but if one that suits you arises it can be well worth your while.

3. Turn trash into treasures. If you are handy with a paint brush, good at crafts or have some skills with tools, try to find some furniture to refinish and sell. One option is browsing garage sales or thrift shops and making a small investment in something you think you can spruce up or fix. Another option is to save yourself some money and find something for free. Ask friends if they have any junk furniture you can haul away, check local ads in papers and online for freebies, or look for things left out on the curb. With a little sanding and painting, replacing a hinge or screw, or some decoupage, you can turn junk into a work of art, and then turn a tidy profit when you sell it.

4. Offer services: make a couple of hundred fliers and shower your neighborhood with them. Offer to do any tasks you have experience with or feel that you can handle. Some things you might consider doing is dog walking, cleaning, junk hauling, repairs, painting, yard work, running errands, snow shoveling, house sitting, baby sitting, companionship, typing, or car washing. People are always looking for someone to help with odd jobs, so the more you make yourself available and get the word out, the more work you will find

5. Share your knowledge: If you have a skill or knowledge of something that others might be interested in learning, offer to teach a course, or a one-day workshop, at a community center, homeschooling co-operative, a local church, or to give private lessons. There are probably lots of things you can do that you can share with others. If there is something you can do well, there are probably a few people in your community who would like to learn it. Really think about what you can offer. Perhaps you’re good at a particular craft like scrapbooking or glass painting. Perhaps you’re athletic and can teach kids yoga or basketball. You might be very handy and can teach people how to build a book case or do a few simple home repairs. Maybe you could teach someone how to knit, play the piano, or arrange flowers. Don’t downplay any of your skills, as things you’re used to doing that you don’t think of as particularly difficult or exciting might be things that other people always wanted to learn. I once found myself strapped for cash in the Fall and turned a quick buck by offering a jack-o-lantern carving workshop at a community center at $10 a head and the enthusiastic turn-out was far greater than I had expected.