Look around the house and find something that you can sell
for one hundred dollars. Then sell it on Craigslist. Many items sell the
same day on that site if the price is right.
2. To make 100 dollars fast, within a day, step out with the day laborers. Not only is this a good way to make some quick extra money, but you might find other ways to make a quick 100 dollars, such as using your truck to haul scrap metal on a freelance basis. It's a good way to find out who needs what in your community
3. Put an ad on Craigslist and offer to clean houses or do moveouts. You'd be surprised how many people look at the housecleaning ads on that site and decide that they want their house cleaned that day, because company is coming, perhaps. In a large city, you can easily make 100 dollars fast, especially when people give you short notice.
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