When your child a fever, what Moms usually do? compress with cold water or use alcohol. This method is considered most effective by almost all Moms. But whether this method is correct Moms do? Yuk, Moms, consider the following comment.
is the body's response in addressing the form of the disease, so the
fever is not a disease and the disease is necessary Moms worry about
what comes after the fever. Some immunizations your baby can also cause fever, but it did not last long. Examples of some diseases early symptoms include fever is dengue fever, cough, colds or measles. Well, so how do I relieve fever right? It turns out the answer is not to compress the baby with cold water or with alcohol, but with warm water. Applying an alcohol is not recommended, because it can cause poisoning effects in children.
not compress your child with cold water because cold water will only
temporarily reduce fever and can cause fever higher thereafter. Moms often compress the forehead just small section alone, in fact it is also wrong, tablets, Moms.
using warm water, making the whole receptor fever in a child's body to
realize that your child is experiencing a surge in temperature. That way, the body will respond by issuing fever substances that can help lower the fever itself. Receptors throughout the body there is a fever. So, if Moms compress, not just the child's forehead, but the whole body.
The trick is to wipe the entire little body with a warm towel. With
Moms warms the whole body of the child, dilation of blood vessels,
thereby increasing blood flow and hot little body wasted. Once wiped with a towel or washcloth (washlap) warm, dry immediately return the child's body by using a towel to dry. Do it again and again, on the front and back of the child's body. This method is believed to lower the body temperature due to body heat evaporates the water come from the skin surface.
Provide adequate fluidWhen the baby fever, Moms must provide extra water he drank while Moms compress and give febrifuge. This extra drinking water serves to keep the fluid levels in the body and that a fever is not increasing anymore. Do not give caffeinated beverages, including tea because caffeine will make easy the fluid out again through the urine. Serve soft foods so that his ailing easier to digest food and avoid putting on baby clothes piled and thick. Expand the breaks will also help him recover quickly.
If the body temperature above 37.5 º C then it can be considered a fever. Every child has a different resistance to the fever. If your child has a history of seizures (step), Moms should be more alert during a fever attack. Especially when the body temperature rises to above 38.5 º C heat immediately give the medicine suppository inserted rectally.
the fever is accompanied by symptoms of rash on the skin surface small,
seizures, dehydration, and heat does not get better, take him to the
doctor to get better care and prevent diseases more dangerous.
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